Stiller Cube Recovery v4.3

Stiller Cube Recovery 4.3
Log Sorter::

Cube Stealer Recovery 4.3
I think one of the best public stilerov. It works no worse than UFR. The victim's logs are sent to FTP (mail) in text form, which is very convenient
Steals passwords from browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.), email clients, Filezilla, steals login Steam (I do not know why)
Instruction (sending logs to ftp):
1. Put a circle on 'FTP Upload'
2. Enter in the Host - domain or ip address, then login and password from FTP
3. Click 'Check FTP', if the sign '... Successful' appears and the file 'Test-Upload.txt' came to the ftp, then the data from the ftp is correct.
4. At your discretion, you can configure additional functions - changing the icon, program information, setting up a fake message at startup - 'type error win32'
5. Click on the 'Build' tab, you can select the type of the future styler extension (.exe, .bat, .com, .scr), delay (Delay) and Melt - self-deletion after launch
6. Click 'Build'